A part. pass. di bagnare; anche agg.
1 Nei sign. del v.
2 Sembrare, essere come un pulcino bagnato, (fig.) starsene umile, pauroso, mortificato.
B s. m.
* Terreno, luogo bagnato | Piovere sul bagnato, (fig.) aggiungersi di disgrazie a disgrazie o
(scherz., antifr.) di fortune a fortune.
[lat. parl. *baniare per balneare, da balneum ‘bagno (1)’; av. 1250]
A v. tr. (coniug. come segnare)
1 Spargere liquido su qlco. o qlcu.: bagnare i panni; bagnarsi le mani, la fronte | Anche nella forma pron. (con valore intens.): ti sei bagnato i pantaloni | Bagnarsi la bocca, le labbra, la lingua e sim., bere. SIN. Aspergere, innaffiare. CONTR. Asciugare.
2 (fig.) Festeggiare qlco. bevendo: bagnare una laurea.
3 Toccare, lambire, detto di mari e fiumi a proposito di città, coste e sim.: il Tirreno bagna Napoli; Torino è bagnata dal Po.
B bagnarsi v. rifl.
* Fare il bagno.
C bagnarsi v. intr. pron.
* Inzupparsi: bagnarsi per la pioggia come un pulcino.
[lat. exsuctu(m), part. pass. di exsugere ‘succhiare, suggere’; 1268]
A agg.
1 Che è privo di acqua, di umidità: stagno, torrente asciutto | Tempo asciutto, senza pioggia o umidità | Vento asciutto, secco | Pasta asciutta, V. pastasciutta | Pane asciutto, (fig., lett.) senza companatico | Balia asciutta, che ha cura di un bambino ma non lo allatta | (lett.) Arido, sterile: terra asciutta; campi asciutti | Asciugato: panni asciutti.
2 (est.) Secco, inaridito: labbra asciutte; gola, bocca asciutta | Restare a bocca asciutta, (fig.) rimanere deluso.
3 (fig.) Privo di lacrime: occhi asciutti; viso asciutto | A ciglio asciutto, senza versare lacrime.
4 Detto di vino che conserva solo piccolissime tracce di zucchero | Detto di vino spumante secco.
5 (fig.) Magro, snello: corpo asciutto; un viso asciutto ed espressivo | †Macilento.
6 (fig.) Estremamente sobrio e misurato: stile asciutto | (est.) Breve, conciso, brusco: è una risposta asciutta che non ammette repliche; mi congedò con due parole asciutte.
|| asciuttamente, avv. Seccamente, senza complimenti: rispondere asciuttamente a qlcu.
B s. m.
* Luogo, terreno, asciutto: finché piovve restò in casa all'asciutto | Restare, rimanere all'asciutto, (fig.) senza soldi.
|| asciuttino, dim.
Lo Zingarelli 2008 – Zanichelli
<ba-gnà-to> agg. e s.m.
1. agg. Cosparso o intriso d’acquao di altro liquido; inumidito, ammollato, inzuppato (anche con la prep. di): la macchina ha slittato sulla strada b.; non uscire con i capelli b.; panni b.; foglie b. di rugiada~ Sembrare un pulcino b., comportarsi con impaccio e timidezza, quasi vergognandosi~ fig. Se non è zuppa è pan b., di cose che si equivalgono in modo evidente.
2. s.m. Terreno cosparso d’acqua: scivolare sul b.~ fig. Piovere sul b., di cose (favorevoli o sfavorevoli) che capitano a chi già ne ha abbastanza.
P. pass. di bagnare | sec. XIV
Sinonimi Contrari aggettivo
<a-sciùt-to> agg.
1. Privo di acqua o di umidità (contrapposto a bagnato, umido): conservare in luogo a.; clima, tempo a., non piovoso; vento a., secco, arido, che toglie l’umidità; pasta a., vedi la grafia unita pastasciutta~ Talvolta con sign. identico ad asciugato: i panni sono già a.; lasciare il fiasco a., lasciarlo vuoto, scolarlo fino in fondo• locc. A occhi a., a ciglia a., senza piangere, senza commuoversi; a piedi a., senza bagnarsi; a bocca a., a denti a., senza mangiare o bere (fig.: restare a bocca a., rimanere deluso, a mani vuote).
2. estens. e fig. Pane a., senza companatico; vino a., secco, non dolce (contrapposto ad amabile); uomo a., muscoloso e privo di grasso superfluo; viso a., scarno; balia a., che ha in cura i bambini senza però allattarli• Laconico, categorico, brusco: mi ha risposto con un no a. (anche con valore avverbiale: mi ha risposto asciutto asciutto); schivo, riservato: una persona di modi a.3. Come s.m., terreno privo d’acqua o di umidità: camminare sull’a.; clima o tempo secco: questo a. non giova alla campagna• fig. Essere, rimanere all’a., senza un soldo, in bolletta, al verde; estens., nel calcio, senza aver realizzato da tempo una rete.
Dal lat. exsuctus, p. pass. di exsug
re ‘succhiare, seccare’ |

Sinonimi aggettivo
sostantivo (m.)
terreno asciutto
locuzione (avv)
al verde
Il Devoto-Oli. Vocabolario della lingua italiana - Edizione 2008
p.pass., agg., s.m.
1. p.pass., agg. bagnare, bagnarsi
2. s.m. CO solo sing., terreno, superficie bagnata: non stare con i piedi nel bagnato, pneumatici con una buona tenuta di strada sul bagnato
ba·gnà·re FO
1. cospargere o intridere con acqua o altro liquido: la pioggia ha bagnato il terreno, bagnare il fazzoletto di lacrime | annaffiare: bagnare i fiori | immergere nell'acqua o in altro liquido, inzuppare: bagnare i biscotti nel latte
2. spec. di fiume, mare, toccare: il Danubio bagna Vienna
3. BU lett., di luce e sim., lambire, inondare
4. CO inaugurare, festeggiare con un brindisi, un rinfresco e sim.: bagnare la casa nuova, la laurea
agg., s.m. AU
1a. agg., che non è cosparso o intriso di liquido: il bucato è asciutto, se non ho i capelli asciutti non esco
1b. agg., di bacino o corso d'acqua, prosciugato, senz'acqua: torrente, pozzo asciutto
2. agg., secco, privo di umidità: clima, luogo asciutto | non piovoso né nebbioso: tempo asciutto
3. agg., fig., magro ma vigoroso e atletico: un fisico asciutto
4. agg., fig., conciso, sobrio: uno stile asciutto | brusco, secco, privo di cordialità: rispose in modo asciutto
5. agg., di vino, piuttosto secco: il Barolo è un vino asciutto
6. agg., privo di denaro: avere la borsa asciutta, le tasche asciutte
7. s.m., solo sing., terreno non bagnato: camminare sull'asciutto | clima secco
Il Dizionario della Lingua Italiana - De Mauro
Wet, n.1
Forms: α. 1 wǽt, 3 wet (dat. wete), Orm. wæt (dat. wæte), 3–6 wete, (5 whete), 4–6 weete, 4–5, 6– Sc. weet, 6 weat(e, 5–6 north. and Sc. weytt, 5–7 Sc. weit. β. 4 north. wat(e. γ. 6– wet, 6 wette, 7 wett. δ. 9 Sc. wat.
[OE. wǽt neut. (substantival use of wǽt adj., = WFris. wiet), giving normally ME. wēt, wete, weete and later weat(e. The other ME. and mod. forms are due to the influence of the adj. OE. had also wǽta wk. masc., represented in ME. by wete; in later use the two become undistinguishable, and some of the examples given here (in sense 1) may really be survivals of wǽta.]
1.1 Moisture; liquid or moist substance.
In occasional use applied to water, blood, sweat, sap, etc.
2. a.2.a Rainy or damp weather.
b.2.b Atmospheric moisture precipitated as rain, mist, or dew.
c.2.c Rain, water, or damp regarded as deleterious or detrimental. Also, standing water which collects in pools, or which makes the ground muddy.
d.2.d (With pl.) A burst, storm, downpour, shower, or spell of rain.
3.3 Liquor, drink. In mod. use only slang; esp. in heavy-wet, malt liquor.
†4.4 Phr. without wet, without being wetted. to take wet, to be injured by damp. Obs.
†5.5 in wet = in fresco (see fresco n. 2). Obs.
6.6 A ‘wet’ person (see wet a. 15 b); spec. a politician with liberal or middle-of-the-road views on controversial issues (often applied to members of the Conservative Party opposed to the monetarist policies of Margaret Thatcher).
7.7 U.S. slang. = wetback s.v. wet a. 21.
Additions 1993
Add: 8.8 slang (Motor Racing, etc.). A wet-weather tyre.
Dry, a. (adv.)
Forms: 1 drýᴁe, dríᴁe, 2–4 driȝe, drei(e, 3 druie, (Orm.) driȝȝe, 3–4 druye, drue, 3–7 drie, 4 dryȝe, druiȝe, druyȝe, draye, dreȝe, drey(e, dri, 4–7 drye, 6 drygh, drigh, 4– dry.
[OE. drýᴁe (:—*drûgi-) in ablaut relation with MDu. dröghe, drōghe, Du. droog, MLG., LG. drög(e, droge, dreuge (:—*draugi-), f. OTeut. ablaut-series *dreug-, draug-, drug- to be dry, whence also OE. drúᴁian to dry, drúᴁað drought, and (with formative suffix) OHG. trochan, Ger. trocken dry.]
A.A adj. I.A.I As a physical quality.
1. a.A.I.1.a Destitute of or free from moisture; not wet or moist; arid; of the eyes, free from tears.
†b.A.I.1.b In mediæval physiology: One of the fundamental qualities of elements, humours, planets, etc.; opp. to moist. (See cold a. 6.) Obs.
c.A.I.1.c Of a season or climate: Free from or deficient in rain; having scanty rainfall; not rainy.
2. a.A.I.2.a That has given up or lost its natural or ordinary moisture; dried, desiccated, parched, withered. Now arch. or sunk in sense 1.
b.A.I.2.b Said of a body of water, or of moisture on a surface, that has disappeared by evaporation, or by being wiped or drained away: Dried up.
3. a.A.I.3.a Of persons: Wanting or desirous of drink; thirsty. Cf. a-dry. (Now only in vulgar use.) b.A.I.3.b transf. Of things or conditions: Causing thirst.
4. a.A.I.4.a Not yielding water (or other liquid); exhausted of its supply of liquid.
b.A.I.4.b spec. Of cows, sheep, etc.: Not yielding milk.
5.A.I.5 Not under, in, or on water; not submerged (see also dry land); †inland (quot. 1599); drawn or cast up on shore, as a boat or a fish.
6.A.I.6 Of bread (or toast): Without butter or the like.
7.A.I.7 Solid, not liquid.
8.A.I.8 Of wines, etc.: Free from sweetness and fruity flavour.
9.A.I.9 Metallurgy. Said of copper, tin, or lead, in the brittle and coarse-grained condition which they exhibit before refining, or when insufficiently deoxidated in refining.
10.A.I.10 transf. Of or relating to dry substances or commodities; dry measure, measure of capacity for non-liquids.
11.A.I.11 Not associated or connected with liquid. a.A.I.11.a Not accompanied or associated with drink; orig. in U.S. political slang, said of places which favour the prohibition of the liquor traffic. Also, of a person who favours prohibition; hence quasi-advb. in phrases to go dry or vote dry. b.A.I.11.b Of diseases, etc.: Not marked by a discharge of matter, phlegm, etc. c.A.I.11.c Not accompanied with tears. †d.A.I.11.d Not accompanied with bloodshed: see also f. (obs.) e.A.I.11.e Said of processes or apparatus in which no liquid is used. f.A.I.11.f phr. to die a dry death: i.e. without bloodshed, or (in Shakes.) without drowning.
†12.A.I.12 Of a blow, or a beating: properly, That does not draw blood (as a blow given with a stick or the fist, which merely causes a bruise); by some app. used vaguely, = Hard, stiff, severe. Obs.
II.A.II Figurative senses.
13.A.II.13 Feeling or showing no emotion, impassive; destitute of tender feeling; wanting in sympathy or cordiality; stiff, hard, cold. In early use, chiefly: Wanting spiritual emotion or unction.
14.A.II.14 Said of a jest or sarcasm uttered in a matter-of-fact tone and without show of pleasantry, or of humour that has the air of being unconscious or unintentional; also of a person given to such humour; caustically witty; in early use, ironical.
†15.A.II.15 a.A.II.15.a Yielding no fruit, result, or satisfaction; barren, sterile, unfruitful, jejune. (Cf. 4.) Obs. (or merged in sense 17).
†b.A.II.15.b Of persons: Miserly, stingy; reserved, uncommunicative. (Cf. 4.) Obs.
16.A.II.16 Lacking adornment or embellishment, or some addition; meagre, plain, bare; matter-of-fact.
17.A.II.17 Deficient in interest; unattractive, distasteful, insipid. (fig. from food that wants succulency.)
18. a.A.II.18.a Art. Characterized by stiff and formal outlines; lacking in softness or mellowness; frigidly precise.
b.A.II.18.b Of acoustics: lacking in warmth or resonance.
19.A.II.19 Of money, rent, or fees: Paid in hard cash, in actual coin. [Cf. F. argent sec, perte sèche.]
20.A.II.20 dry light (an expression derived from a doubtful or corrupt passage in Heraclitus; ed. Bywater 30): ‘Light’ untinged by any infusion of personal predilection, prejudice, or fancy.
B.B as adv. In a dry manner, dryly. (See C. 2.)
C.C Combinations.
1.C.1 Parasynthetic, as dry-eyed a., having dry eyes, tearless, not weeping; dry-boned, dry-fancied, dry-handed, dry-leaved, dry-lipped, dry-skinned, dry-tongued, etc. adjs.; also dry-looking adj. See also dry-fisted, -footed.
2.C.2 Adverbial, in comb. with verbs and their derivatives. a.C.2.a In a dry way; without the use of liquid; without drawing blood: as dry-feed, dry-rub, dry-scratch, dry-scrub, dry-wash, etc., vbs.; dry-blowing pres. pple.; dry-washing; †dry-bang, †dry-baste vbs. = dry-beat; dry-clean v. trans., to clean (clothes and other textiles) without using water; also intr. and transf.; hence dry-cleanable adj., dry-cleaned ppl. adj., dry-cleaner, dry-cleaning vbl. n. and ppl. adj.; dry-cupping, see cupping 1; dry-cure v., to cure meat, etc. by salting and drying, as distinguished from pickling; dry-dyeing (see quot. 1904); dry-grind v., to grind articles of cutlery without the use of water; hence dry-grinder, a workman employed in dry-grinding; so dry-pointing, e.g. of needles and table-forks; dry-salt v. = dry-cure; dry-shave v., (see quots.).
b.C.2.b So as to be or become dry, to dryness: as dry-suck, dry-weep vbs.; dry-burnt, dry-drunken, dry-roasted, dry-withering ppl. adjs.
3.C.3 Special attributive combs.: dry bath slang, a search of a prisoner when he has been stripped naked; dry battery Electr., a battery of dry cells; dry-beard, an old man with a dry or withered beard; dry-blower Austral., (a) a gold-miner; (b) used as a term of opprobrium; (c) (see quot. 1964); dry-blowing Austral. (see quot. 1894); dry-bob (see Bob n.7); hence dry-bob vb.; (see also bob n.3 1 and 2); dry-bone (U.S.), a miner's name for the silicate and other ores of zinc (Dana 1868); dry-bones, a contemptuous or familiar term for a thin or withered person, who has little flesh on his bones; dry brush (see quots.); freq. attrib.; dry-bulb thermometer, one of the two thermometers of which a dry- and wet-bulb hygrometer consists; dry camp U.S., a camp or halt where there is no water; dry-castor, ‘a kind of beaver, called also parchment-beaver’ (Webster 1864); dry cell Electr., a voltaic cell in which the electrolyte is contained in an absorbent material or is in the form of a paste, thus preventing spilling of the contents; dry-cooper, a cooper who makes casks, etc. for dry goods; dry diggings, (a) (orig. U.S.) gold-diggings away from a river or stream; (b) in South Africa, diamond-diggings at which the diamondiferous material is disintegrated by exposure to the atmosphere; dry-dike = dry-stone dike (see dike n.1 6 b).; so dry-diked adj., dry-diker; †dry-ditch v. trans., to work at (anything) without result, like one digging a ditch into which no water flows; dry end, that end of a paper-making or drying-machine from which the material emerges dry; dry farming chiefly N. Amer., farming without a good supply of water; so dry farm n. and vb., dry farmer; dry-fly a. and v. (Angling), used to describe a method of fishing in which an artificial fly floats lightly on the water; an artificial fly used in this type of fishing; dry fuck U.S. coarse slang, (a) a simulated act of sexual intercourse, without penetration and usu. without removing the clothes; (b) an unsatisfactory act of intercourse, esp. one which does not result in ejaculation or orgasm; so as v., to engage in intercourse of this kind; dry hopping (see quot. 1956); dry house, a building in which miners change their clothing (also called drying-house, or dry); dry ice orig. U.S., solid carbon dioxide; dry joint Electr., a soldered joint with faulty electrical continuity; dry lodging, lodging without board; dry-march, a march or boundary-line not formed by a river or water; dry mounting, a method of mounting photographs (see quot. 1958); dry multure, see multure; dry-needle = dry-point; dry offset (see quots.); dry pack, see pack; dry-pile a. (†dripile), with the pile dry; dry-plate (Photogr.), a sheet of glass coated with collodion subsequently sensitized and dried, or, more usually, with an emulsion of gelatine (or collodion) containing a sensitive silver salt, and exposed to the action of light in a dry state; dry-plate clutch Mech., a plate clutch which operates without lubrication; dry-point (Engraving), (a) a sharp-pointed needle used for engraving without acid on a copper plate from which the etching-ground has been removed; (b) the process of engraving in this way, or an engraving so executed; hence dry-point vb.; dry-point settlement, village, one which is not liable to flooding; dry-puddling, see puddling: †dry-rent, a rent-seck or barren rent, i.e. one reserved without clause of distress (obs.); dry run, (a) U.S. a dry creek or arroyo; (b) colloq. (orig. U.S.), a rehearsal, test, ‘dummy run’; hence as v. trans., to rehearse, practise; dry shampoo (see quot. 1966); dry shaver, an electric or other razor for use without soap and water; dry-shearer, a workman whose business is to shear the nap of cloth; dry-ski a., designating a school, etc., for indoor training in ski-ing; dry skid, a skid of a motor vehicle on a dry surface; so dry-skid v. intr.; dry-skin (see quot.); dry spell, a period of dry weather (see quot. 1920); dry spinning, a method of spinning natural or artificial fibres (see quots. 1904 and 1957); hence dry-spin vb. trans., dry-spun adj.; dry-stone a., applied to a ‘dike’ or stone wall built without mortar, cf. dike n.1 6 b; dry-stove, a stove for plants, with dry heat; dry suit, a type of diving suit, usu. made of sheet rubber, which uses the principle of air-insulation to protect the diver from cold, and under which warm clothing can be worn; dry valley, a valley in which the original stream or river has disappeared; dry wall, a wall built without mortar; hence dry-wall v. trans. and intr., to build a dry wall (around); dry-waller, dry-walling; dry wash N. Amer., the dry bed of an intermittent stream. See also dry dock, etc.
Additions 1993
Sense 18 b in Dict. becomes 18 c. Add: [A.] [I.]A.I [11.] [a.]A.I.11.a Also by extension, abstaining from alcoholic drink, esp. after becoming addicted; having stopped taking an addictive drug.
[II.] [18.]A.II.18 b.A.II.18.b Of a sound: harsh, discordant, rasping.
[C.] 3.C.3 dry sink N. Amer. (Hist.), a counter-height furniture cabinet with an inset sink or basin which is not connected to a water supply.
dry slope, an artificial ski slope used esp. for training or out-of-season practice.
dry wall, (b) N. Amer. (now usu. drywall) = plasterboard n.; freq. attrib.
Draft partial entry March 2003
▸ dry-fried adj. (of food) (originally) fried in just enough oil to prevent food sticking to the pan; (now usually) fried without adding oil or fat to the pan.
Draft partial entry March 2003
▸ dry-fry v. trans. (originally) to fry (food) in just enough oil to prevent food sticking to the pan; (now usually) to fry (food) without adding oil or fat to the pan.
Draft partial entry March 2003
▸ dry-frying n. (originally) frying in just enough oil to prevent food sticking to the pan; (now usually) frying food without adding oil or fat to the pan.
Draft partial entry June 2007
▸ dry garden n. a garden designed to require little or no watering, typically containing ornamental rocks and stones or plants which thrive in dry conditions.
Draft partial entry March 2003
▸ dry hump n. coarse slang (orig. U.S.) = dry fuck n. at Compounds 3.
Draft partial entry March 2003
▸ dry-hump v. coarse slang (orig. U.S.) trans. to simulate sexual intercourse with; also occas. intr.; cf. dry hump n. at Additions.
Draft partial entry March 2003
▸ dry-humping n.
Oxford English Dictionary 2009 - 2nd Ed. Vers.4.0
湿 (濕)
干 (乾)
FROM《新华字典》(出版: 商务印书馆, 出版日期:2004. ISBN:7100039312)
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